Emoji have fast become an important part of social media. They help us express our emotions more accurately without having to write them. They bring increase the fun and excitement when chatting. One of the most popular and perhaps most controversial emoji at the time it came out was the poop emoji. Poop Emoji or emoji of the “poop” is one of the most used and in addition to the most controversial emoji on the social. But first let’s see where it really started from. Sometime around 1984 a Japanese manga series made a character they called “poop-boy”. This character looked more like a pile of poop and will serve to influence the poop emoji which will be made later. Somewhere between 1998 to 2000, Japanese mobile telecommunication companies such as NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, au, and SoftBank developed various version of the poop emoji. By this time, the emoji generally were quickly becoming popular in Japan. However, they were not so popular in the rest of the world. The emoji in general were developed to convey emotions and feelings without actually saying them out.

The poop emoji started its journey into fame when in 2007 Google was looking for a way to enter the Japanese and Asian market. By this time, the Japanese were already familiar with emoji but it was not so popular in the rest of the world. so Google started designing new ones for Gmail in Japan. To do this, they partnered with the Japanese company Au. Darren Tong, a software engineer at Google, said that the only thing missing from the Gmail experience was good handling of the emoji, which were deeply rooted in the culture of Japan. Soon the development team noticed that it was necessary an emoji to express a common sense of disagreement in the mails, and so the emoji of the “poop” was born. Darren said it seemed a particularly flexible and effective emoji, which provides a way to say poop in an email without explicitly writing the words, and grabs the reader’s attention in a way that smiling faces do not. Most importantly, it always provokes a smile from the reader and the writer, which is ultimately the purest emoji purpose: to add emotional expressiveness to written communication. The Google team had to make an important decision: How would your emoji be? Each of the three Japanese telecommunications companies had their own design, and they were inspired by the “poop boy” character of “Dr. Slump “. The first Google emoji debuted in October 2008. It was first made as poop with animated flies flying around it. A month later, Apple embraced them too, although at that time Apple users could only use them if they downloaded an application. In 2010, the emoji was officially approved by the Unicode Consortium, which meant that it was accepted throughout the industry as a real language. As of 2014, all mobile and desktop operating systems support emoji, including Twitter and Facebook. Sometime around 2015 google decided to replace the smelly poop surrounded by flies to a happy poop. They did this by removing the flies and making the poop emoji have a smile on its face. By 2017, the poop emoji was quite popular. It had already become the superstar of emoji. There were various versions of the poop emoji. Another creator of this famous emoji endorses it. He said that it would be fascinating to see how many times in a day someone processes the meaning of an icon. He says that emoji is not a language taught in school, but it is a language that must be known in order to survive.
However, the drama and history around the poop emoji did not stop there. Along the line, there was some controversy about the history of poop emoji. So while the majority of people believe it came from Japan, some believe that it was not intended to be used as poop in the first place. They believed the creators intended for it to be an ice cream emoji actually. This controversy probably came about when a twitter user found out something amazing while experimenting with Photoshop. He found out that the poop emoji fit perfectly into a picture of ice cream. It was probably from this discovery that the idea that the poop emoji was initially made as an ice cream emoji but then became a chocolate ice-cream emoji turned poop. This is why some people believe it was originally designed as a poop emoji, while others believe it was originally designed as a chocolate ice cream emoji.
We all know the poop emoji to either be a blank poop emoji or a friendly-looking smiling poop. However, it is possible that a sad-looking unfriendly version of the poop emoji may soon come to the show. It should also be of note that the poop emoji is licenced and is protected by copy write laws. So, anyone who wants to create a version of the emoji should have that in mind; unless you want to get “poop-faced” by the justice system.
However, it does not matter whether the poop emoji was initially an ice cream who decided that a more foul-smelling career was a lot better, or whether the poop emoji was really a pure-breed, foul-smelling poop who later decided to be more friendly as it became popular. Or whether an angry looking or sad looking poop emoji is coming to the scene. The fact remains that the poop emoji will forever remain a part of social media and has played its part in revolutionizing the way we chat forever. It is still one of the most fascinating emoji out there on social media. It is one of the favorites in informal conversation and among pranksters. The poop emoji has actually shown that sometimes poop can be cool and it give us a new and fun way to express our feelings. Especially, when we feel someone might be giving us some “great” idea he probably got straight from the toilet. It will most likely be a part of or chats and text messages for a long time to come.