Poop Journal Blog – Understanding Poop Better!

About Poop Journal Blog

The Poop Journal blog is an online web portal. It has been designed as a handy Android tool that will help you understand and apprehend your poop multiple times better. Human poop is the sign of a healthy body. There are various ways through which you can assess the overall health by looking at your potty. With the help of this poop journal, you can now understand and monitor your bowel movements. It will also help you to recognize signs and symptoms of any bowel problems and will help you solve it. The main aim of this blog is to help people staying fit, active and healthy.

Features of the app

The Poop Journal blog is the best tool to help you understand your potty in better ways. This app is offering several features that will make it multiple times easier to keep track on all of your bowel activity. The key features that are highlights of this Android app include

• Time check – keeping a track of time when you poop each day
• Number of trips you make to the bathroom
• Intensity of bowel movement – this means measuring the pain or ease intensity
• Determining and judging poop by shape, size, color and odor
• Recommending which foods you should eat or not eat, depending on the poop you pass out
• Recommending and tracking medications
• Recommending appropriate physical activity depending on potty nature

What is bowel movement?

Bowel movement is the last process of the digestive system. It is where the waste and toxic materials pass out of the body through the rectum and anal hole. Active bowel movements are a sign of a healthy body. Irregular bowels can cause much health related problems. If the toxic materials fail to pass out of the body for prolonged time periods, this may also prove to be fatal. There are many complementary names for poop. It is also known as stool, potty, feces and bowel. Poop is the end waste material which is left after the essential nutrients and minerals are absorbed by the body. These end products are toxic and noxious and are required to pass out to ensure the active functioning of the human body. If the poop fails to function properly, this causes many bowel problems which are later discussed in the blog.

Frequency of Bowel movement

There is no determined or defined frequency of bowel movement. It varies from person to person. Some people feel the urge to go to the bathroom more in comparison to other people. Pregnant women are seen making frequent trips to the bathroom. There are many factors that may contribute to the frequency of the stool passage.

Poop Color

Human poop is the sign of a healthy body. There are various ways through which you can assess the overall health by looking at your potty. The normal standard color of poop is dark or light brown. The brown color is due to the bile. Bile is the secretion of the liver and is very helpful in facilitating the process of digestion. The brown color of the potty is the normal color. The normal poop takes around 2 to 3 days to be eliminated from the body after the entire process is completed. If the stool passes out earlier than the expected 2-3 days, it can be different shades of green. Human poop can also be black, yellow, or may also be secreted along with blood. All these are signs of abnormality in the potty and needs immediate medical attention. Also, if you are taking any medication, then the color of your poop may change as a normal side effect. Iron is known to change the color of the poop to black. However, this is not a thing to worry about.

What are Bowel Problems?

Any problem or abnormality that may arise in the movement of bowel out of the body is known as bowel problem. There are several factors that may contribute to causing bowel problems including lack of nutrition, wrong food intake, medication side effects, many other medical conditions and countless other reasons.

Symptoms of bowel problems

There are various symptoms that are associated with bowel movement problems. These symptoms can be a prior sign of warning.

• Persistent abdominal pain
• Swelling, bloating and gas
• Fatigue and tiredness
• Bloating or lumps on the belly area
• Irregular bowel habits
• Blood passing out along with poop
• Nausea, vomiting, and acidity
• Diarrhea or loose motions
• Constipation and blood in poop

Common Bowel problems

The most common bowel problems include

  • Ulcerative Colitis
    It is one of the most common bowel movement problems which has been estimated to be affecting more than 12 million people worldwide. It is the excessive inflammation and swelling of rectum tract.

  • Pilonidal Disease
    This is a chronic and persistent skin problem which adversely affects the bowel movements as well because it causes the crease in the bum to be blocked. This obstructs the poop from passing out of the body.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    The irritable bowel movement, more commonly known as IBS is very common in people. It is reported that almost more than twenty percent of the world’s population suffers with it.

  • Anal itching
    This is one of the highest reported problems in adults and children as well. It is caused mainly due to the bowel being excessively hard and stiff. This causes scratching on the anal hole’s wall which may result in excessive itching and skin irritation.

  • Bowel cancer
    Bowel cancer is listed among the top 5 most common and widespread forms of cancer. Cancer as we know it; can be fatal.

  • Constipation
    Constipation is a bowel problem that is found to be in every one out three people. It is the time variation and difficulty of the bowel habit. Some people have the mild form of constipation while others have extreme forms. Pregnant women most likely also develop constipation while expecting a baby or twins.

We aim to help you better understand and evaluate your health through your poop. However, we strongly urge users to not completely rely on the information they get through this app. Users should seek immediate medical help if symptoms prevail for longer periods of time. With all this being said, we love you all and hope that you stay/get fit!

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